Datum: Vrijdag 9 maart 2018
Locatie: Zaal 2.01, Minnaert gebouw (UU) | Leuvenlaan 4, Utrecht
8.30 Registration
9.00 Introduction President G.S. Miölnir (Lennart Hanemaaijer)
Session 1 (convener: Jaap Hendriks)
9.10 Working on waterquality; how to deal with microplastics, pharmaceuticals and politics (Steffie Paardekooper)
9.30 Subsidence of the Mekong delta (Vietnam): Will it become the next Atlantis? (Philip Minderhoud)
9.50 Hominin Sites and Paleolakes Drilling Project (HSPDP): drilling into our African roots (Mark-Jan Sier)
10.10 Climate and carbon cycle change during the Middle Eocene Climate Optimum (Robin van der Ploeg)
10.30 What is a trace of life, and what is not? Complex, (self-)organized structures in the rock record. (Mark van Zuilen)
10.50 Coffee break
Session 2 (convener: Hanna van de Mortel)
11.20 Plio-Quarternary tectonics and changes along the Hellenic forearc (Greece) (Gino de Gelder)
11.40 Geodynamic modeling of convergent and divergent margins: linking mantle dynamics and surface observations (Anne Glerum)
12.00 Geochemical and temporal evolution of magmatism in the Aegean region: implications for slab roll back and slab tearing (Pieter Vroon)
12.20 On marble, microscopy and the conservation of cultural heritage (Martine Vernooij)
12.40 Lunch
Session 3 (convener: Marc Nijboer)
13.30 The flow of polar ice sheets (Paul Bons)
13.50 Good vibrations: imaging the Earth’s deep interior using earthquakes (Arwen Deuss)
14.10 Digging for gold with a continental plow (Douwe van Hinsbergen)
14.30 Geometallurgy, or the optimal use of geoscientific data throughout the life of a mining project (Pim van Geffen)
14.50 Coffee
Session 4 (convener: Naomi Berkhout)
15.20 Exploration in the Netherlands (Annemiek Asschert)
15.40 Dinantian Carbonates are hot! (Bastiaan Jaarsma)
16.00 Petroleum exploration in the Upper Cretaceous of the deepwater Tano Basin (Marco van Hattum)
16.20 Shell energy scenarios (Peter van de Wouw)
16.40 Social drinks